Rosgal prepare to undertake ‘Beswick Filtered Neighbourhood Phase 2 – Construction’

May 26, 2021

Rosgal is preparing to undertake a wide range of works in Beswick (Beswick Filtered Neighbourhood Phase 2 – Construction), Manchester, for Manchester City Council (MCC).

Beswick is a close-knit community who want to see their neighbourhood improved and made safer for all residents to cycle and walk (irrespective of age).

We will be undertaking trail holes before construction works begin.

Trial holes: 7 June 2021

Start date: 14 June 2021

Completion Date: 30 September 2021


During Phase 2, we will be undertaking works in the following locations:

Rylance Street/Athletes Way (Location 2): We will transform the junction outside Ashbury Meadows Primary School into a raised table. This will help with pedestrians crossing to and from the school and it will help to reduce speeds along Rylance Street with the Active Travel Neighborhood. We will also undertake some drainage improvements and provide additional gullies.


Albert Street between Pilgrim Grove and Grey Mare Lane (Location 7): Local residents in Beswick want vehicle speeds to be reduced along Albert Street. The proposed interventions include marked parking bays on Albert Street grounded into alternate sides of the road. These will help to reduce straight-line speeds and help protect footways from parked cars.


Albert Street/Gray Mare Lane Junction (Location 8): We will provide a gateway feature into the active neighborhood area by narrowing the crossing width of the entry radius to Grey Mare Lane at its junction with Ashton New Road. These works will be linked to the works on Grey Mare Lane and Albert Street.


Ashton Old Road/Grey Mare Lane Junction (Location 10): We will provide a gateway feature into the active neighborhood area by narrowing the crossing width of the entry radius of Grey Mare Lane at its junction with Ashton New Road.


Ashton New Road/Darley Street Junction (Location 12): We will provide a gateway feature into the active neighborhood area by narrowing the crossing width of the entry radius of Darley Street at its junction with Ashton New Road, creating a more desirable and pedestrian-focused area.