Rosgal continue works on Hardy Lane, Chorlton, for Manchester City Council (MCC)

May 13, 2021

Over the past 3 months, Rosgal has been undertaking works on Hardy Lane, Chorlton, for Manchester City Council (MCC) to construct a new cycle route and resurface a heavily pedestrianised footpath which runs alongside the road.

We estimate that the works are now 40% complete.

These works will allow us to:

  • Protect the environment: With a more accessible cycle route, we will help to reduce carbon emissions in Chorlton and protect the environment.
  • Protect local residents: The footpath which runs alongside Hardy Lane had become run down with numerous trip hazards for local residents. Therefore, by resurfacing the footpath, we will help to protect the safety of local residents and ensure that the footpath is accessible again.


Our skilled and competent operatives are continuing to refurbish the footpath to protect the safety of local residents.

The new footpath will provide ease of access for various properties, food stores, and other buildings in the surrounding area.